Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay about Biology Milk Lab - 1303 Words

Bonnie Bell Mrs. Legary Biology P.6 21, Sept. 2011 Milk Lab Final This investigation consists of testing the reaction between milk, food coloring, and dishwashing soap. Different kinds of milk were tested, depending on the amount of milk fat content. The investigation was based on 2 questions. Lab one’s problem statement, using only milk fat and food coloring was: How does food coloring react in different kinds of milk fat? The second lab’s problem statement, using milk fat, food coloring, and dishwashing soap was: What happens when detergent is added to different milk fats and food coloring? The expectation is that the milk with higher fat content will have a more dramatic reaction. If the milk has a higher fat content,†¦show more content†¦| The first table shows the results between the milk and food coloring. In milk fat 1, the red food coloring spread fast and wide. In milk fat 2, the red food coloring did the same as milk fat 1. In milk fat 3, the red food coloring spread slowly in an oval shape. In milk fat 4, the red food coloring didn’t expand very big. In milk fat 1, the blue food coloring expanded slowly for a long time and stayed dark blue. In milk fat 2, the blue food coloring spread fast for a long time and stayed in one big glob. In milk fat 3, the blue food coloring looked like a spider web. It starts out light in color and expanded slowly getting darker. In milk fat 4, the blue food coloring got gets lighter as it expands. In milk fat 1, the yellow food coloring was more spread out. In milk fat 2, the yellow food coloring stayed in a little circle. In milk fat 3, the yellow food coloring stayed in a little circle and turned to an orangish-yellow color. In milk fat 4, the yellow food coloring stayed i n a small spot and didn’t spread. In milk fat 1, the green food coloring spread fast but not very big. In milk fat 2, the green food coloring didn’t spread very big. In milk fat 3, the green food coloring spread pretty big. And in milk fat 4, the green food coloring spread quickly. Day 2 dataShow MoreRelatedEnzyme Lab Report Essay2194 Words   |  9 Pagesonly work when a particular substrate fits in their active site. An active site is â€Å"a region on the surface of an enzyme where the substrate binds, and where the reaction occurs†[2]. â€Å"Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose, the sugar in milk. It is produced by the cells lining of the small intestine. Most people are born producing it, but often make less of it as they age, which causes lactose intolerance the symptoms for this include nausea, bloating, and diarrhea to name a few. ThisRead MoreClassification of Macromolecules2186 Words   |  9 PagesABSTRACTThe purpose of this lab was to determine if various substances contained macromolecules, specifically; carbohydrates, proteins, or vitamin C. 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